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Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Hair Loss in Women- Causes and Remedies

A significant portion of women today are having hair loss issues. Experts believe it can be due to a rough lifestyle, poor diet, stress, etc.

Everybody loses 50-100 hairs every day, which is hardly noticeable as the scalp grows back. But the problem arises when the scalp keeps shedding hair in excess without growing them back. That is when a woman wonders- why is my hair falling out?

So, here is a list of some common hair loss causes in women.

1. Hormonal changes

After 30, the hormonal balance in a woman can change. The excessive conversion of DHT or Dihydrotestosterone into androgens can lead to hair loss issues in women. 

2. Thyroid

When the thyroid glands start producing thyroid hormone in excessive or low amounts, it can change the hair growth cycle. However, if you have thyroid, other symptoms like weight gain will also follow suit. 


PCOS or Polycystic Ovary Syndrome is a condition where a woman starts growing hair sprouts on the body and face. In this process, the scalp hair starts thinning out due to high levels of androgen production. 

4. Medicinal side effects

Meds like birth control pills that suppress ovulation can result in hair thinning. It is pretty prominent in women with a family history of hair loss. Moreover, the consumption of pills for arthritis, depression, blood thinning, heart disease, and blood pressure can result in hair loss. 

5. Poor nutrition

Nutrition is one of the prime factors for hair loss. If nutritional ingredients like zinc, proteins, copper, iron, and vitamin D are absent from your diet, you may experience excessive hair loss. 

6. Stress and anxiety

Stress can last for months if the cause is not identified and dealt with. Excessive stress can lead to excessive hair loss. Therefore, it is essential to check how stressed you are. 

7. Hair products

Every woman deserves to look her best. But, for looks, you should not compromise on your hair health. Chemicals like SLS found in shampoos can result in hair thinning. Moreover, dyes can also corrode hair follicles and hamper hair growth. Therefore, resort to natural shampoos and dyes only. 

8. Medical conditions

Lastly, medical conditions can also play a prime factor in hair loss. Androgenetic alopecia, telogen effluvium, alopecia areata, genetics, and aging can be reasons for excessive hair loss. 

So, how to cure them? Well, let us look at some of the remedies:

  1. Do not use chemical-based hair products. Use natural shampoos that can clean the scalp without drying its moisture. 
  2. Use a quality conditioner that contains amino acids so that the damaged hair can be repaired and smoothened. 
  3. Diet and exercise are two of the most important remedies for hair loss. Keep yourself active throughout the day. You can join a gym or yoga classes to keep yourself agile. Moreover, eat a balanced diet that contains proteins and iron. 
  4. Use a low-level laser therapy. Consult your doctor and buy a suitable cap, hat, headband, or helmet. The device will emit photons to nourish your scalp by fulfilling nutritional deficiencies and improving blood circulation.
  5. Avoid undergoing rigorous hair treatments like straightening, perming, and coloring. Also, it would be best to avoid using blow dryers and curling rods on your hair. 
  6. Oil helps nourish the scalp by improving blood circulation. Oiling your hair once a week would give your hair much-need nutrition. Choose the oil wisely after assessing your scalp type and massage your tresses. 

Final Thoughts 

Lost hair can be quickly regained if a woman resorts to eating healthy, get moving, avoid artificial hair treatments and products. 

However, it would be best to consult a doctor for a more precise description of your scalp type and its treatments. 

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