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A Closer Look At Typical Addict Behavior in Relationships

Is your partner hiding secrets from you? Does it feel like you’re not getting the whole story about what’s going on with them or their past?

Ecstasy and other drugs impact the user’s behaviors, both during periods of use and also in relationships. If you’ve got a hunch that your significant other is abusing drugs, there are some telltale signs that you’ll need to keep an eye out for.

Let’s take a look at how typical addict behavior in relationships can differ from non-addicted people.

Lying or Hiding Drug Use

Addicts may lie about how much they’re using and where they’re getting the drugs from. They may hide their drugs or paraphernalia to cover up evidence of their addiction. They may go to great lengths to cover up their drug use. Having addict relationships includes lying about their whereabouts or giving false explanations for why they are late or missing events.

Their friends and family may notice changes in the addict’s mood or attitude, which is linked to their drug use. Addicts who are hiding their drug use may want to distance themselves from their loved ones to avoid having to reveal the truth.

Dishonesty About Finances

Many addicts focus on their drug or alcohol habits over financial responsibilities. They may lie to their partner, say they paid for something when they actually haven’t, and hide spending and activities from their partner.

They may overspend on their habits and neglect household budgets. They may fail to deposit money into a joint account or spend. An addictive behavior characteristic might also focus on spending money on their habits over items their partner needs or wants.

Neglecting Responsibilities in School or Work

A typical addict in a relationship will often neglect responsibilities such as school or work. An addict’s primary focus is often on their addiction and their own needs. They may put their job, family, and education on the back burner. They may forget to show up to classes, meetings, work obligations, and important appointments or activities.

The neglect of responsibilities often is a result of being too consumed with drugs or alcohol. When a person is too focused on their substance abuse, they cannot dedicate the energy needed to fulfill responsibilities.

Isolating Themselves From Friends and Family

An addict is likely to withdraw from those they love and even shut out their partner completely. They may refuse to speak to others or go out of their way to avoid interactions with others. They are likely to become even more withdrawn when they are using drugs or alcohol and may feel embarrassed or ashamed of their behavior.

This can alienate loved ones, as they struggle to understand what is happening in the addict’s life. It also affects family and friends, who may feel isolated or alone, as if they are not able to reach out and support the addict.

To protect themselves from judgment or criticism, an addict will seek to cut themselves off from the people. They also stop doing activities and different environments that once brought them joy.

Being Verbally or Physically Abusive

Having a relationship with an addict can exhibit a wide range of verbally or physically abusive behaviors. These behaviors often arise as a result of the dependence the addict has on the substance.

Verbal abuse in relationships can range from language to threats of physical violence. Physical abuse can include physical hit, slap, or shove. The abuser may become possessive or jealous and may accuse their partner of infidelity to lure them closer under their control.

Engaging in Manipulative Behavior

Addiction leads to manipulative behavior in which an addicted person tries to control their partner’s behavior. They may use a variety of tactics to attempt to manipulate their partner.

The addicted person may also try to engage in power struggles, win arguments, and become defensive when confronted. Partners may begin to feel taken for granted and become resentful of the addict’s manipulative ways.

Using Substances Such as Drugs or Alcohol Despite the Consequences

Individuals often do not realize the impact that their actions have on the other person until it is too late and the damage is done. These individuals often focus on the need to self-medicate with drugs or alcohol over any other concerns such as meeting a partner’s needs. Despite the consequences, individuals often are unable to break the cycle of addiction.

A Decline in Personal Hygiene

An addict’s focus tends to be on obtaining substances, rather than taking care of themselves. This can lead to a decline in grooming and cleanliness. Friends and family may notice that the addicted person no longer takes pride in their appearance or seems to lack motivation to clean.

Addicts have poor diets and a sedentary lifestyle. They may start skipping important engagements and events. They’re stuck in rotating between work, substance abuse, and sleeping. A decline in personal hygiene can lead to the persistence of more serious health issues.

Experiencing Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal can hinder an individual’s capacity to communicate their feelings or needs. Withdrawal from any activity can lead to a decline in motivation and self-esteem. It then leads to a sense of helplessness or hopelessness.

It is important to take a closer look more on addictive behavior in relationships. Make sure to understand the effects of withdrawal on an individual.

These symptoms can range in severity from mild to severe, sometimes lasting months or even years depending on the length and intensity of addiction. Symptoms vary among individuals and may even change over the course of withdrawal. 

Understanding the Typical Addict Behavior in Relationships

Understanding the typical addict behavior in relationships is essential in being able to support and help either yourself or someone else. To gain a deeper understanding of the behaviors and effects of addiction, contact a mental health professional or reach out to support groups.

With more information, you can help guide those struggling with addiction to live healthier and happier lives.

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