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Friday, March 7, 2025

5 Ways to Lower Your High Electric Bill in Florida

Ah, the Sunshine State. While that can be seen as a huge perk, it can also be the downfall of your electric bill, and ultimately, your bank account.

So how can you get the best of both worlds – the Sunshine state and a low electric bill?

Well, it’s a good thing you’re here! In this article, we go over five ways to lower your electric bill in Florida!

1. Install Solar Panels

If you install solar panels on your home, you may have higher initial costs. However, as your energy switches over from electric to solar, you won’t be facing a high electric bill anymore.

And overtime, you will be saving money! Check out the fastest growing solar company to start your Florida energy saving now!

2. Check Your Fridge and Freezer Temps

You need to double check your fridge and freezer temps because you may be wasting money if they are colder than they need to be. The ideal temperature for a fridge is anything below 40 degrees and a freezer is 0 degrees or below.

You can also see your fridge and freezer full to help them regulate their temperatures better.

So get up, go check so that you lower your Florida energy bill!

3. Adjust Water Level on Your Washer

If you are washing a load of laundry that is smaller than the “normal” size, you can adjust the size of the load on the machine. It will use less water and run for a shorter period of time because it is not as full.

4. Turn Off the Lights

You may badger your kids, or your wife, or anyone else who lives in your home for that matter, but you’re right! And you can tell them we said so.

Turning off your lights when you leave the room is exactly how to lower your electric bills month after month. And it will only take a few seconds – if that!

5. Raise Your Thermostat When Gone

If you leave the house for an extended period of time, you can save yourself some money and lower your high electric bill by raising your thermostat to be warmer.

During the summer, instead of having it hold at 78 degrees or even 76 degrees, consider moving it up. When you’re gone, move it up to at least 82 degrees since you’re not home and won’t be uncomfortable!

In the winter, heat your home at a lower temperature – ideally around 68 degrees or lower! 65 degrees is perfect if you’re away, or even at night if you like it cooler when you sleep.

Save on Your Electric Bill in Florida

Looking at an electric bill in Florida can be a shocking experience, especially if you aren’t prepared. However ,there are steps to take for energy saving in Florida!

You can start with the tips above from switching to solar power to turning your AC up!

Did you enjoy these tips? Check out more on the blog!

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