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Thursday, March 6, 2025

What is the Illinois Basset Certification?

The Illinois Basset Certification is a certification program for basset hounds and their owners. The purpose of the program is to encourage continued dedication and partnership between the owners, breeders, and judges of the basset hound breed. The program will focus on knowledge of the breed standard, breeding techniques, identifying correct movement, temperament testing procedures and consistent marking practices. This certification is open to everyone – breeders, owners, judges or anyone who has an interest in the basset hound breed. The mission of this certification program is to uphold high standards for all participants involved with the breeding and showing of basset hounds in Illinois by:

What are the benefits of becoming an Illinois Basset Certification member?

There are many advantages to becoming a certified member of the Illinois Basset Certification. Some of the benefits include:

Who is eligible to become an Illinois Basset Certification member?

Anyone who is 18 years of age or older and has an interest in the basset hound breed is eligible to become a certified member. You do not have to be a breeder, show or own a dog to become certified. This program is open to everyone.

How do I become a certified member?

The first step is to attend a certification class that is offered throughout the year. These classes are 3 hours long and will explain the fundamentals of the basset hound breed standard, proper breeding practices, identifying correct movement, temperament testing procedures and consistent marking practices. There are different levels that you can achieve: – Apprentice – Attend one certification class – Junior – Attend two certification classes and pass the written test – Senior – Attend three certification classes and pass the written test and the temperament test – Master – Attend four certification classes and pass the written test, the temperament test and the breeding techniques test.

Responsibilities of the Illinois Basset Certification Member

– Attendance at all certification activities – Maintain a minimum of an 80% attendance record on certification exams – Maintain an 80% average on all certification exams – Maintain a high level of sportsmanship at all times – Comply with all rules, regulations and judging procedures of the Illinois Basset Certification – Consistently mark dogs in a fair and consistent manner throughout all shows – Maintain a dog on a breeding program that is consistent with the basset hound breed standard – Participate in the Illinois Basset Certification breeding program


If you love the basset hound breed, are passionate about their welfare, and want to make a difference in the basset hound community, then becoming a certified member of the Illinois Basset Certification is for you. This certification program is designed to help educate and promote high standards for the basset hound community by providing education on the proper breeding techniques, movement, temperament and consistent marking practices.

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